Web site update
As you can see, the Poly Boston web site has undergone a major update. We’ve gone from handcrafted HTML files (actually, mostly generated by my oddball homebrew editor’s HTML mode) to a real content-management system. I am hoping that this will make it easier to keep the web site up to date and add more and richer content. It also lets us add fancy features like the syndicated feed of Alan’s “Polyamory in the News” blog you see in the right sidebar. And it sure looks a lot nicer (although we’re still working on that).
Poke around, and let us know if you find anything major missing that was available in the old web site. (For comparison, you can temporarily get to the old version at http://old.polyboston.org/.)
Mailing-list management (e.g., at http://polyboston.org/lists/announce/listinfo) should not be affected at all, but let us know too if you have any trouble with that.